A few words
Program and Services
Violence, exploitation, and abuse are often practiced by someone known to the child, including parents, other family members, caretakers, teachers, employers, law enforcement authorities, state and non-state actors and other children. Only a small proportion of acts of violence, exploitation, and abuse are reported and investigated, and few perpetrators are held accountable. There is significant evidence that violence, exploitation and abuse can affect the child’s physical and mental health in the shorter and longer term, impairing their abilities to learn and socialize, and impacting their transition to adulthood with adverse consequences later in life.
1.1 Positive Youth Development. This holistic approach that focuses on creating a developmentally-appropriate learning setting for young people. Through this, youths shall focus on forging positive relationships; strengthening academic, soft and technical skills; cultivating trustworthy, safe spaces; and offering youth opportunities to succeed in meaningful ways.
1.2 Public Awareness Activities/Campaign. The media can be an effective partner in disseminating prevention messages. The social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, etc. have specific criteria for determining what is worth covering, so FGSCBI needs to frame the issue in an appealing way to get their attention. By planning effective and newsworthy activities, communities can help promote healthy parenting practices, child safety skills, and protocols for reporting suspected maltreatments.
1.2.1 Educate Children about their Rights. Encourage child participation by doing these activities:
1.2.2 Teach children protective behaviors and how to report abuse;
1.2.3 Let the children make posters and banners with verses, statements and
children’s rights written on them; and
1.2.4 Let the children plant a tree as a commitment to nurture every generation
so that the next generation may be stronger.
1.4 Empower FGSCBI Staff, Members, and Volunteers. Organize child protection training to equip FGSCBI Staff/Members and volunteers to make child protection a priority, especially with regard to the R.A. 7610 also known as the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.
Millions of children are not learning because of poverty, discrimination, the quality of the education offered, and/or because they are too hungry to learn. These children leave school before they acquire the basic skills and knowledge needed to thrive within the society. Enrolment figures only tell part of the story. Around 250 million (5 to 12years old) cannot read or write whether they are in school or not. Education transforms children’s lives by helping them overcome poverty. This leads to better health and increased income opportunities. Without it, many children remain trapped in a life of poverty and hardship.
2.1 Providing Scholarship Grants. Scholarships can fill the gap. Thus, scholarship assistance can support students who fall in the gap between high- and low-income levels. Providing scholarship assistance to the less fortunate and/or poor students opens the opportunity to further their education without worrying about the expenses and other miscellaneous fees; and
2.2 Community Awareness on Education. Raising initiatives in order to educate and sensitize the community, children, duty bearers and partners on child rights issues and child protection. FGSCBI Education and Awareness seek to achieve gender equality and social inclusion by ensuring that information reaches to the remotest places and to the most vulnerable and marginalized groups.
The organization promotes building capacities of the institutional mechanisms for government cooperation with NGOs and private entities in the sector of public health, thus, developing a system of additional education and specialization of health workers from all sectors and in collaboration with government and non-government stakeholders. The project is directly aimed towards the completion of the first specific goal: to stimulate and strengthen the issue-based CSO networks, cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience between them in order to become stronger partners in the dialogue with the governmental authorities through the development and strengthening of capacities for improvement of mechanisms for policy dialogue in the health sectors.
3.1 Support Medical Missions. Our goal is we want to reach out with God’s love and help many people as we can. The medical mission aims to provide the community access for free healthcare and medicine, especially those who have limited or no access at all to proper healthcare.
3.2 Partnership with the Various Healthcare Experts. The importance of working in partnership is that it facilitates development of mutual and inclusive relationship with the healthcare providers and the service users. This helps improve the delivery of care and enhances the healthcare provider experiences.
3.3 Feedbacking on Health Programs. Feedback is embedded in education, training and daily professional activities. It is a valuable tool for indicating whether things are going in the right direction or whether redirection is required.
As far as agricultural situation is concerned, this is more serious as agricultural production is directly related with food security and political stability of the country. So, balance is very much essential to maintain the biodiversity and environmental protection. Hunger is a major threat in the Philippines having higher rate of population growth. The need is to make proper balance without hampering the food security. Indigenous knowledge coupled with modern techniques, recycle of waste, zero energy cool chamber, zero tillage and practices of low energy sustainable agriculture. Attempts are being made to abreast them, sensitize them, train them to play a proactive role for protection of environment to maintain sustainable livelihood. Profit is a word for which one compromises, destructs, extracts vigorously the natural resources knowingly or unknowingly the consequences. Political leaders, scientists, and other stakeholders should come forward to implement the existing laws. If it is inadequate, formulate new policies or take strict measures against violators for protection of planet Earth. Otherwise, humanity will be in crisis, so to all living creatures.
4.1 Environmental Awareness Campaign. Environmental awareness campaigns refer to organizing and educating the general public about the importance of understanding our environment’s vulnerability and protecting it.
4.2 Environmental Restoration. The organization supports the R.A. 9003 also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Act of 2000 which ensures the protection of public health and environment through the proper segregation and disposal of the wastes.
Civil society organizations (CSOs) have always played and will continue its important role in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) especially in Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Response, and Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery. However, local CSOs face special challenges in getting resources particularly human, financial, knowledge, and technical issues. Lack of collaborative and coordinated voice has been a challenge against capacity to contribute the four (4) thematic areas of DRRM. The organization aims to provide services and relief operations to all individuals who were affected by natural calamities, diseases and/or pandemic, etc.
5.1 Disaster Relief Operations. FGSCBI improved disaster preparedness can help save lives, reduce the suffering of survivors, and enable communities to restart normal life more quickly.
5.2 Feeding Program. Feeding program provides a healthy diet to children, though simple, which facilitates their healthy growth and development. It keeps the children away from nutritional deficiencies. It improves concentration and educational performance in school.
Livelihood programs have the sole focus of driving poverty reduction. We aim to increase people’s control of their natural resources, build reliable and fair access to food, and empower the extreme poor through increasing their knowledge, skills, and resources.
6.1 Build Women’s Skills in Micro-Enterprise Development. Skills development is a key to improving household productivity, employability and income-earning opportunities for women and also for enhancing sustainable rural development and livelihoods. Thus, investing in young women’s economic empowerment and skills development is one of the most urgent and effective means to drive progress on gender equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth through sustainable livelihood programs such as seaweeds farming, abaca and cacao plantation, etc.
Consequently, livelihood training processes shall be integrated with character formation since part of livelihood is awareness of proper conduct and morals needed to be fruitful and exemplary citizens of the community notwithstanding the crucial bondage of poverty. Together, we identify the knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses that already exist in the communities and seek to build on those to break down barriers.
FGSCBI aims to provide the subsistence farmers in some of the hardest-to-reach rural areas, and also work in urban slum communities, tailoring approaches that are appropriate, practical, and achievable in each setting. While the livelihood program is geared towards emancipation from poverty, the participants on the project will be given various seminars on interpersonal work relationships, values formation, and ethics for them to attain a level of growth in various aspects of life.